Hey, how are you feeling mama? You’ve officially made it to week 12 of your twin pregnancy – that’s a huge milestone! At 12 weeks pregnant with twins, you are nearing the end of your first trimester with twins and hopefully (fingers crossed for you), the end of any morning sickness.
Now that you have passed one of the most worrying times of your pregnancy, you are probably starting to think about everything you need to organize before your little treasures arrive.
This is the last week of your first trimester, and before you know it, you’ll be stepping into your second trimester, which many pregnant mamas find a little more comfortable. But with all the excitement about your growing babies, you might also be starting to think about the practical side of things, like how to budget for twins – eeeek.
Having twins is a blessing, but it’s no secret that there are added expenses involved with growing your family by two at the same time. The good news? A little planning and budgeting now can help you feel more confident as you prepare to meet those gorgeous babies of yours in just a few months’ time.
Today, we are going to cover all things budgeting: creating a budget for twins, figuring out what big-ticket items to purchase, deciding if your house and car are big enough for two – you can learn from my mistake on this one… and even setting up a savings account for your little ones.
We have quite a bit to cover this week, so make a cup of tea and put your feet up mama. You deserve it.
Read on to find out what those two teeny babies of yours are up to this week.

How are you feeling mama?
Twin Pregnancy Symptoms at 12 Weeks
You’re nearing the end of the first trimester. Thankfully this tends to be the time that your hormones and emotions start to settle a little. The second trimester officially starts at week 14.
You may be seeing swelling in your feet and ankles, possibly fingers too.
Stretch marks may start appearing, so get moisturizing that belly of yours – it really does make a difference! We have some suggestions below of products I used during my pregnancy that saved me from too many after-effects of carrying two.
As your center of gravity changes, you might start to lose your balance in some situations, so watch your step and think about retiring those killer heels for a few months.
You may also start showing by now, and maternity clothing will be a must!
Your twin pregnancy care team may also have you booked in for regular ultrasounds, especially if your twins share a placenta or have been identified as high risk.
The chance of having a miscarriage is also significantly lower now that you’re nearly in the second trimester, so if you haven’t already, it may be time to share the good news with family and friends!
What are your twins up to this week?
Your Twins at 12 Weeks – Height & Weight
At 12 weeks, your little ones are still tiny, but they’re growing at an impressive rate! Each of your twins is now about the size of a plum or a lime. In terms of length, they measure roughly 2.1 inches (5.4 cm) from the top of their heads (crown) to their bottoms (rump). This is a huge development from where they started, and they’re only going to keep getting bigger from here on out!
As for their weight, each baby is about 0.5 ounces (14 grams). While that might not sound like much, it’s amazing how much growth is packed into such a small size. Over the next few weeks, their weight will start to climb, and soon, you’ll notice your bump reflecting their progress.
Your Twins’ Fetal Development at 12 Weeks
Week 12 marks a major developmental phase for your twins. The embryonic stage is now over, and your babies are officially fetuses. All of their internal organs are formed, as are their little fingers and toes. Their liver is beginning to work, and their kidneys are actually producing urine.
Your babies actually look like little babies now. Those beautiful faces are now mostly formed. Their little button noses and mouths are also becoming more recognizable.
They are spending their days practicing moving, sucking, swallowing, and all those other skills they need to learn before they arrive into the world.
Fingernails and toenails are beginning to sprout, and while you won’t see them for a while, the buds that will eventually become teeth are starting to form beneath the gums.
This week, your babies’ intestines are settling into their rightful places inside the abdomen. Their kidneys are also kicking into gear, starting to produce urine, which will help maintain the amniotic fluid levels.
While I know you are desperate to feel those first kicking movements, mama, you will need to wait a little longer. Although you won’t feel them yet, your twins are already moving quite a bit! Their reflexes are developing, allowing them to stretch, wiggle, and even make tiny jerking movements as they explore their newfound mobility.
What you might be wondering about this week
Now that you’re nearing the end of your first trimester, it’s time to start thinking about the practical side of welcoming two new babies into your life.
Budgeting is one of the key aspects to consider when you’re preparing for twins. It’s really not as scary as it seems.
Creating a Budget for Twins – What to Purchase
When you’re expecting twins, it’s important to create a budget to help manage the additional costs that come with preparing for two babies at once.
It is very easy to get overwhelmed by all the things you will need to help you look after these beautiful new additions to your family.
So before you start filling up the credit card(s) have a read of our handy blog post Our Ultimate Guide to Preparing for Twins to help you start the planning process.
Below are some of the key items you’ll need to budget for:
- Double the basics: Start with the essentials. You’ll need double the diapers, wipes, onesies, and burp cloths. Keep an eye out for sales and bulk buying options, which can help you save money over time.
- Cribs: While some twin parents opt for separate cribs right away, others start with one larger crib (which is what I did with my girls), or a bassinet designed for twins and transition to two cribs later. I would have loved to have used a co-sleeper for twins as it would have made nights so much easier, but my bedroom wasn’t large enough to fit one.
- Car seats: Most hospitals require you to have car seats properly installed before you leave, so you’ll need two infant car seats from the get-go. Look for a model that is safe, fits your car, is easy to install and definitely light-weight. You will be carrying two of them remember! I used the Maxi-cosi infant seats with the base. You can read more about this in my article Setting up a Twin Travel System.
- Stroller: Many parents of twins opt for a double stroller that accommodates two infant car seats, but there are different models to choose from. Consider your lifestyle and what will be easiest for you to manage day-to-day.
- Feeding essentials: Whether you’re breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, you’ll need to budget for breastfeeding pillows (designed for twins), bottles, formula (if you’re bottle-feeding or supplementing), and burp cloths.
- Clothing and gear: You don’t necessarily need double of everything, but having extra baby clothes, blankets, and a second set of baby gear (like bouncers or swings) will be helpful.
While it may seem overwhelming at first, creating a detailed list of what you need and setting a budget can help you feel more in control.
Read more:
How to Set up a Twin Travel System
Our Ultimate Guide to Preparing for Twins
Twin Baby Gear: My Top 14 Twin Mama Must-Haves
Let’s talk about the two major things – House and Car
With twins on the way, it’s natural to wonder if your current living space and vehicle are going to meet the demands of your growing family. Here are a few things to think about:
- House: You don’t necessarily need to move to a bigger home just because you’re having twins, but you might want to think about how to set up your current space for two babies. Are there safety considerations you need to address? Do you have room for two cribs, a changing station, and a space for all the baby gear? Organization is key when you have two little ones on the way, so it may be time to declutter and make room for baby essentials.
- Car: The big question for many parents expecting twins: is your car large enough? You’ll need to factor in space for two car seats, a double stroller, and all the gear that comes along with having twins. If your current vehicle is on the smaller side, it might be time to start thinking about an upgrade. A larger car, such as an SUV or minivan, can make it easier to get around with your growing family.
If you’re not sure whether your car can accommodate two car seats, you can check online resources or visit a local car seat installation expert who can help you figure out what’s needed for a safe and comfortable setup.
Is My Car Large Enough?
This is one of the most common questions parents of twins have – and it’s an important one! It’s one of the biggest mistakes I made as I got ready for my girls. While I knew that having a four door car was essential, I hadn’t taken into consideration the huge size of twin strollers. So my new car I had only purchased a few months prior had to go back on the market so I could get something bigger to fit the stroller – ooops…
Also, having two car seats in the backseat can take up more room than you might think, so it’s a good idea to test it out before the babies arrive. Here are a few things to consider when deciding if your car is large enough:
- Backseat width: Measure the width of your backseat to ensure it can fit two car seats side by side. Some compact cars may be a tight squeeze, so it’s worth checking early on.
- Stroller space: After considering the car seats, think about how much space you’ll have for your double stroller and any other baby gear.
- Safety first: Make sure the car seats can be installed securely and safely. Some cars may require adjustments or extra equipment for a proper fit, so it’s best to check with a professional if you’re unsure.
If you find that your current car won’t work, start exploring larger options now. SUVs, minivans, and larger sedans tend to offer more space for growing families.
Even if you don’t think you’ll need it now, remember that the twin stroller becomes the two tricycles, then two bicycles, and all the other gear you need as they get bigger!
Setting Up a Savings Account for Your Twins
It’s never too early to start planning for your babies’ financial future, and opening a savings account for your twins is a great way to get started. Here’s how to go about it:
- Start small: You don’t need to make huge contributions at first. Even small, regular deposits can add up over time, especially if you start early.
- Consider college savings: Many parents choose to open a college or university savings plan, which offers tax advantages when saving for future education costs.
- Automatic savings: Some banks offer the option to set up automatic transfers into your savings account, making it easy to consistently contribute without even thinking about it.
By starting a savings account now, you can give your twins a head start in life and help ensure they have a financial cushion as they grow. They’ll thank you later.

Before you go…
Budgeting for twins can feel overwhelming at first, but by breaking it down into manageable steps, you can create a plan that works for your family. Whether it’s creating a list of what to buy, evaluating your home and car space, or setting up a savings account, taking these steps early on will help you feel more prepared as your due date approaches. You don’t need to do everything now, just bear it in mind as your pregnancy progresses.
Remember, you’re not alone in this journey! Take it one step at a time, and know that every bit of preparation brings you closer to welcoming your sweet twins into the world.
You’ve got this, mama!
I look forward to catching up again next week where we talk about cute ways to announce your pregnancy to your family and friends.
Take care and much love.

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