Welcome to Week 30, mama! You’re in the home stretch now!
At this stage, you’re likely feeling the weight of your two precious passengers—literally—and your mind may be spinning with all sorts of thoughts, especially about life after your twins arrive.
One of the big questions on your mind might be: How in the world am I going to get out of the house with two babies?! This was definitely something I was worried about.
Getting out and about with twins can seem like a daunting challenge, but with a bit of planning, the right tools, and probably most importantly, the right mindset, you’ll find it’s not just possible—it can be enjoyable too!
Let’s dive into how to prepare for those first outings, from choosing the right gear to packing the perfect diaper bag. But first, let’s check in to see how you might be feeling, mama.

How are you feeling mama?
Twin Pregnancy Symptoms at 30 Weeks
At 30 weeks, you’re probably experiencing a mix of excitement and discomfort. Carrying two babies is hard work!
You may be feeling extra pressure in your lower back and pelvis, and swollen feet might be a daily issue. On top of that, Braxton Hicks contractions might be more frequent now, reminding you that your body is getting ready for the big day.
You might also notice increased fatigue—after all, your body is supporting two rapidly growing babies, and rest can be harder to come by. Try to take frequent breaks (and naps if you can), put your feet up to ease those swollen ankles, and drink lots of water to stay hydrated.
It’s okay to slow down a bit; you’re doing an incredible job!
If the idea of getting out and about with newborn twins seems overwhelming now, remember you don’t have to do it all at once. We’re here to guide you through every step.
What are your twins up to this week?
Your Twins at 30 Weeks – Height & Weight
At 30 weeks, your twins are each about the size of a large cabbage, measuring around 15.7 inches (40 cm) long and weighing roughly 3 pounds (1.36 kg). If you’re carrying fraternal twins, there may be some slight variation in their sizes, with one possibly a little bigger than the other, which is completely normal. Identical twins are usually closer in size since they share the same genetic material.
Your Twins’ Fetal Development at 30 Weeks
At 30 weeks, your twins are refining several important functions in preparation for life outside the womb. While still developing, their digestive systems are nearly fully formed and getting ready for their first breast milk or formula feedings after birth. They’ve been busy swallowing amniotic fluid, which helps practice the swallowing reflex and aids in the maturation of their digestive tract.
Your babies’ kidneys are functioning well now, and they regularly produce urine, which they release into the amniotic fluid around them. They’re also working on strengthening their breathing muscles, performing rhythmic movements that mimic breathing. Though they’re still getting oxygen through the placenta, this practice helps develop their diaphragm and prepares them for that first big breath of air after delivery.
Additionally, their hearing is becoming sharper, and they’re more responsive to familiar sounds, such as your voice and even music you might be playing!

What You Might Be Wondering About This Week
Getting Out and About with Newborn Twins
Now, let’s talk about what’s probably on your mind right now: How will you get out of the house with two newborns?
Here’s the lowdown on all the key aspects of planning outings with twins so you can feel confident and prepared.
Preparing for the First Outing with Twins
Your first outing with your twins doesn’t have to be a big, stressful adventure. I was terrified about leaving the house with my girls, not only the logistics but also how to fit it into the daily schedule. There is not a lot of time between feeding and nap times.
My advice… start small.
A short walk around your neighborhood or a quick car ride to a nearby park can be great practice runs before attempting a longer trip.
Getting out of the house with newborns requires a bit of patience and some extra time, so plan for it! Take deep breaths, and remember that the goal isn’t perfection—just getting outside is an achievement in itself. Even a walk to the post box would be a great start and build up from there.
Choosing the Right Stroller for Twins
Finding the right stroller is a game-changer when it comes to getting out with twins.
You’ll want to decide between a side-by-side stroller or a tandem (front-and-back) option. Both have their pros and cons.
Side-by-sides are great for visibility and balance, but they can be bulky in narrow spaces.
Tandem strollers are easier to maneuver in tight spaces but can be harder to push with heavier loads.
Look for strollers that are easy to fold, fit into your car, and ideally, have adjustable seats and large sun canopies for your little ones’ comfort.
We have a great article about How to Set up a Twin Travel System that covers things to look for in a twin stroller, so have a read of it if you haven’t purchased your twin stroller yet. We also discussed this in Week 17, so you could have a look there if you joined our series more recently.
Packing the Perfect Twin Diaper Bag
Packing for two babies requires some strategic thinking! Your diaper bag will need to hold double the essentials without becoming impossibly heavy.
Make sure to pack two sets of diapers, wipes, spare clothes, feeding supplies (whether you’re nursing, bottle-feeding, or both), burp cloths, and small blankets.
Don’t forget a changing pad and a few plastic bags for dirty diapers or clothes. It’s also a good idea to keep a spare outfit for yourself in the car—you never know what might happen!
We have a whole post about finding the Best Diaper Bag for Twins, which includes some suggestions for diaper bags plus what features to look for and what to pack.
Timing Your Outings Around Feeding and Napping Schedules
The key to a peaceful outing with twins? Timing! Plan your trips around their feeding and napping schedules.
If you leave when both babies are fed, changed, and ready for a nap, you’re likely to enjoy a smoother, more relaxed outing.
However, it’s also wise to be prepared for disruptions—if one or both babies get fussy or hungry while you’re out, make sure you have easy access to their feeding supplies and a quiet space where you can attend to them.
Babywearing with Twins: Is It Possible?
Yes, it’s possible! Babywearing can be a great way to get out with your twins, especially if you’re visiting places that aren’t stroller-friendly.
Twin carriers come in several designs—some allow you to wear one baby on your front and the other on your back, while others are designed to carry both babies in front.
While babywearing can take a little practice, it frees up your hands and allows you to move through crowded areas more easily.
READ MORE: Twin Baby Carriers: An Ultimate Guide to Finding the Best Baby Carrier for Twins
Finding Twin-Friendly Locations
When planning an outing, think about how twin-friendly the location is. Parks with wide paths, stores with roomy aisles, and restaurants with plenty of stroller space can make outings less stressful.
You’ll also want to look for places that have accessible facilities like family restrooms or nursing rooms where you can comfortably change or feed your babies. Doing a bit of research ahead of time can save you a lot of hassle.
Getting Support for Outings: When and How to Ask for Help
It’s okay to ask for help! For your first few outings, consider bringing a partner, friend, or family member along.
Having an extra pair of hands can make all the difference when you need to feed one baby while soothing the other or when you need to juggle getting the stroller in and out of the car.
Over time, you’ll build confidence in handling outings on your own, but for now, it’s perfectly fine to share the load.
Handling Public Attention and Questions
Having twins often means you’ll attract a lot of attention when you’re out and about. You become an instant celebrity!
Well-meaning strangers may stop to ask questions or comment on how cute your babies are.
While this can be sweet, it can also be overwhelming, especially if you’re just trying to get through the grocery store without any meltdowns. Have a few polite responses ready, or simply smile and keep moving if you’re not up for a chat.
Preparing for Emergencies While Out and About
While you don’t want to dwell on the “what ifs,” it’s important to be prepared for emergencies.
Keep extra diapers, wipes, and feeding supplies handy in case your outing lasts longer than planned.
Also, take note of the closest baby-friendly restrooms or nursing stations when you’re out.
If you’re driving, keeping a small emergency kit in the car with essentials like a change of clothes, extra diapers and wipes, and spare pacifiers can give you peace of mind.
You’ve Got This, Mama!
Getting out and about with newborn twins is a learning curve, but you’ll find your rhythm. Whether it’s a stroll around the block or a trip to the store, each outing will help you gain confidence in your abilities. With the right gear, some careful planning, and a whole lot of patience, you’ll be able to enjoy these outings with your little ones.
For now, focus on preparing for their arrival, getting rest, and knowing that when the time comes, you’ll be more than ready for this new adventure!
Next week, we give you an inside look at what to expect during your first four weeks with twins. Until then, keep taking care of those babies of yours, mama—you’re doing an amazing job!
Take care and much love.

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