About Us

Hello and welcome to Twins & More! I’m so excited to have you join us.
I’m Anna, mama to my fraternal twin girls, Taylor & Amelie – my inspiration behind Twins & More.
It was while pregnant with my girls that I discovered how little information is available on how to prepare for the arrival of twins.
There is not only wondering about the products you need to purchase (two of EVERYTHING???) but also the new minefield of managing with TWO babies – eeeek.
There is a whole new terminology to learn, extra pregnancy monitoring and potential risks that keep you up at night, and then there are the hours of wondering – how do I bath two babies, how and where will they sleep, what if they both cry at the same time, breastfeeding twins… is that even possible????
Having come out the other side of newborn twins, in mostly one piece? I wanted to create a wonderful space where twin mama’s-to-be and mamas with newborn twins could come to get information, support and advice on having and raising twins.
It’s a super special gift to have twins, and while it can be a little overwhelming at times, knowing you have somewhere to go for support is amazing.
I hope I can provide that support for you.
I am so glad you found us. Please sign up to receive our emails so I can share my latest articles with you, plus updates on research that is happening all the time relating to twins. Hop on over to our Facebook page, join our Facebook Group and spend some time on twinsandmore.co to see how we can help and support you.
I hope you will join us in our journey as we strive to make every day with your twins just that little bit easier.
P.S. If you would like to read more about my journey with my girls, you can find it here.