Twins & More Preparing for Twins Bundle
The Twins & More Preparing for Twins Bundle is designed for expecting parents of twins who want to feel prepared and less overwhelmed as they anticipate the arrival of their babies.
This Bundle offers essential guidance, whether you need to discover the best products for twins, learn effective ways to care for two babies, organize your twin nursery efficiently, or simply reduce the time spent researching everything you need to do before your twins arrive. It will help you feel more organized, confident, and happy.
You deserve that, Mama.
Explore our collection of essential tools and resources designed to help you plan and organize your twin nursery and gear, pack efficiently for your hospital stay, get prepared to breastfeed your twins and set up your twin feeding kit, and track all the feeds, sleeps, and diaper changes once your babies arrive.

Product Description
The Digital Bundle Designed to Help You Feel Ready and Organized for Your Twins.
Just imagine if you could...
- Actually feel excited and happy (instead of overwhelmed) about knowing what to buy for twins that will make life so much easier for you during those first months.
- Feel completely confident about how to go about tandem feeding your twins - even on your own.
- Have a clear plan of action for getting through the first few months with newborn twins.
- Feel totally organized by knowing what to pack for your hospital visit plus how many of those cute onesies and diapers you will actually need.
- Feel confident and organized never having to rely on your overtired mama brain to remember which baby fed on which breast, who has been a bit off color lately, or who hasn't pooped for a day or two (or was it three??). Believe me you won't remember.
Get the Tools You Need to Thrive with Twins
Having twins doesn't need to feel overwhelming. Our easy-to-follow tips, step-by-step instructions, and practical checklists, guides and journal will help you create a clear plan for preparing your twin nursery, feel excited and happy (and less overwhelmed) about knowing what to buy for twins, help you to feel confident to tandem feed your newborn twins, and feel totally organized each day once your babies have arrived.
Here's what's included:
Our Ultimate Guide to Preparing for Twins
This comprehensive guide will help you build a clear plan of action for how you will get through the first few months with your newborn twins.
We cover off some of the unique things you need to consider when preparing for twins. From where they will sleep, whether breast or bottle feeding might be better for you, how to actually get out of the house, and how many diapers you will really need.
Shopping Checklist for Twins
Preparing for the arrival of twins can seem daunting, scary and exciting, all rolled up into one mixed bag of emotions. To help make it just that little less stressful, we’ve put together a list of items to consider when creating a nursery for your precious little treasures.
Our Ultimate Shopping Checklist for Twins will help take the stress out of preparing for twins and allow you to feel more organized and ready to welcome your gorgeous newborn duo into your family. With detailed recommendations for bedtime essentials, out-and-about basics, feeding time must-haves, and more, you'll find everything you need to feel confident and ready. Simplify your preparation process and enjoy peace of mind knowing you've got all the bases covered.
Our Twins Daily Journal
Your first few precious months managing newborn twins can seem exciting, overwhelming, and amazing.
You will be getting to know your two new cherubs and learning how to be a mama of twins—it’s a huge task, and there is so much to remember and learn.
Throw in a good dose of sleep deprivation, and the chances of you remembering who had/did what during the day are practically zero.
This beautiful twins daily journal gives you somewhere to record everything your newborn twins get up to each day. Keep track of their sleep and feeding routines plus diaper changes, mood charts and much more.
Our Essential Guide to Tandem Feeding Your Twins
How are you going to cope with feeding these two ravenous babies with no extra pair of hands to help? With a bit of planning, preparation and some self-boosting confidence, you can get brave and go for it mama.
Our step-by-step guide will have you feeling comfortable and confident to tandem feed your babies - even on your own!
We even include our Feeding Time Survival Kit checklist which will help get you set up for the marathon feeding sessions on the couch.
Hospital Bag Checklist for Twins
Twins have a habit of arriving just a little earlier than planned, so it pays to be a bit more organized and have your hospital bag all packed and ready to go early. It can be totally overwhelming know what you should take, and how much.
We've got you covered mama! Our super-handy checklist outlines all the things you might want to have with you to make the birth and post birth process as comfortable as possible, so you can focus on welcoming your twins into your family.