Moms are really great at looking after everyone, everyone but themselves that is. You tend to put everyone else first...

Your Twin Pregnancy
Are you hoping to be well prepared during your twin pregnancy? Do you want to be able to ask the right questions about your pregnancy care? Are you wondering what you need to do to get organized before you welcome your twins into your family?
Then you are in the right place! In this category, we share all the tips and tricks for a healthy TWIN PREGNANCY and help you prepare for your twins’ arrival.
Twin Pregnancy Questions To Ask Your Doctor
I think it becomes apparent just how little you know about parenting as soon as you find out you are pregnant with...
Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome – The What, When, Why and How
Congratulations if you have just found out that you are going to be a twin mama, it’s so exciting right? But then you...
Twin Pregnancy Complications
Being told that you have a high-risk pregnancy is not a reason to immediately panic. While it is a bit of a scary...
Creating a Twin Birth Plan – When Should My Twins Arrive?
One of the most confusing times during your twin pregnancy will most probably be around planning for your big day….....
Your Twin Pregnancy Care Plan – What You Can Expect
So, how did you feel when you found out that you were pregnant with twins? Nervous, excited, terrified to your very...
7 Ways to Choose the Perfect Names for your Twins
Struggling to come up with the perfect names for your twins? It’s often hard enough to agree on a name for one baby –...
Choosing Your Twin Pregnancy Care Team
Choosing your LMC or Lead Maternity Carer is an important job. They are after all the one person who is going to...
Ante-Natal Depression during Twin Pregnancy
Pregnant with twins was most probably not something you had planned. The increased physical and emotional stresses,...
Types of Twins – Did you know there are ELEVEN?
For the vast majority of the population, when you mention the word ‘twin’ it generally conjures up an image of two...
Weight Gain During Twin Pregnancy
Eating for three…!?!? While you might be imagining all those midnight feasts stationed in front of the fridge,...
Becoming a Single Mother by Choice of Twins
My own personal story about becoming a single mother by choice of twins. I hope you enjoy it. Anna xx Becoming...
At Twins & More we strive to nurture, support and inspire you through your twin pregnancy and your first years as a new mama of twins.