What is a Twin Baby Carrier
A twin baby carrier will transform the way you can care for and nurture both babies at the same time. They are available in a structured or soft structured carrier style or more of a wrap or sling style that lets you provide a sense of closeness and security with your twins, which would be impossible to do otherwise.
In a nutshell, a twin baby carrier is like a front or backpack that you wear, and it allows you to carry both of your babies while you can go about your day with both of your hands free. So it’s kind of like the ultimate multi-tasking product.
The carrier will generally consist of a waist strap and padded shoulder straps attached to some form of pouch or structure that each baby will sit in. The design ensures the weight is evenly distributed for the parent’s comfort and provides each baby with a secure and comfortable position to hang out in their favorite place – snuggled next to you.
Alternatively, you can use more of a wrap or sling style of carrier for your twins. These usually consist of a strip of woven or stretchy cotton fabric that you then tie around your babies to hold them securely and snuggly on you.
Many twin parents-to-be wonder how on earth they will carry two babies at the same time. It was one of my biggest concerns too.
But with a twin baby carrier, you can now have your hands free to do things like run errands, get things done around the house, look after your other children without worrying about keeping your twins happy and content while you’re on the move!

Is it possible to carry twins?
Absolutely! Twins can be carried quite happily and safely in a twin baby carrier. It’s a lovely way for you to get some beautiful nurturing and bonding time with both babies at once, which is often quite tricky with twins.
It is essential to find a baby carrier designed for carrying two children at once and has been tested with an appropriate weight load. Double the babies will mean double the weight! So you will often find extra features in a twin carrier that will take into account the additional weight load.
Is there a baby carrier for twins?
Yes! There are quite a few baby carriers specifically designed for twins. They come in various styles, depending on your personal preference, lifestyle, and when you intend to use the carrier. For example, the type of carrier you use at home to help with colic or during witching hour will differ from the one you might use to go hiking.
Are there different ways to carry twins?
Yes, there are a few different ways to carry twins. Some people like the front/back carrying option because it is easy on your back as well as being very comfortable for both babies; some prefer the hip-carrying method where you can put one baby in front of you with their legs over your hips while holding another baby.
Let’s have a look at the various options and the pros and cons of each:
Front/Back carry for twins

- More even weight distribution so better for parents with back issues.
- Twins are separated, so it can help prevent them from annoying each other.
- Some front/back carriers can divide into two single carriers, which each parent can wear.
- It is challenging to tend to the baby on your back.
- Babies should be four months plus to wear on your back.
- Twin parents already have a hard enough time with guilt without adding having to choose which baby gets to go in the front pack.
Tandem Front carry

- You can keep an eye on both babies at all times.
- With correct positioning, you could breastfeed your babies while in the carrier.
- Ideal for when your babies are newborns.
- Generally, these types of carriers are only helpful for the first few months, so they have a short lifespan. In addition, wearing both babies on your front can be tough on your back as your babies grow.

Hip Carry for twins
- You will get long-term use out of the carrier as the weight of your babies will be transferred to your hips and legs rather than your back, making it more suitable for older twins.
- As your babies get bigger they will need more space for their legs. A hip carry will give those little legs plenty of room to grow.
- Not suitable for really young babies.
Single front pack + carried by the parent
- A quick and easy way to manage short trips or errands as you only have one baby in a carrier and the other is just free carried by the parent.
- Not hands-free as you are carrying one baby.
Why You Need a Twin Baby Carrier
If you are still unsure why you would want or need a carrier for your twins, here is a list of when you might find it an absolute godsend.
- An alternative to your twin stroller – for those days when it is just too hard to manage
- Catching up in a cafe with friends, and the stroller won’t fit. It happens. Often.
- During school pick-up or drop-off times for other children
- During witching hour
- For babies with colic to keep them upright
- For running quick errands such as popping into the local store
- Going for walks to get some fresh air if you have been stuck on the couch breastfeeding them ALL day
- Just to enjoy close snuggle time with your babies, which is super hard when you have two
- When they both just need to be held. Like, RIGHT NOW, mama!
Have I convinced you yet??

The benefits of using a carrier specially designed for twins
Many parents-to-be of twins will ask, ‘Can I just buy a couple of single carriers and put one on the front and one on the back?’
Of course, the answer to this is yes, you can – and many twin parents do.
The downside of using two carriers is you will have two waistbands and two sets of shoulder straps that will have to be safely attached to you and adjusted to fit your babies. It could get pretty uncomfortable, pinchy, bulky, and not to mention hot during the summer months.
What are the different types of baby carriers for twins?
Soft Structured Carriers for Twins
You may wonder what a soft structured carrier is.
A soft structured carrier for twins is made from a mixture of fabrics, materials, and mesh sewn together to form the shape of a front or backpack for your baby(s).
The soft structured carriers will be less flexible to adjust to different stages or carry positions. However, they are much easier to use, and there is little to no time required to learn to use the carrier.
Examples of a soft structured carrier for twins would be a Weego Twin Carrier, Twingo Carrier, MiniMonkey Twin Baby Carrier, or a Twingaroo.
Babywearing Twins with a Woven Wrap
A woven wrap is a baby carrier made of long pieces of fabric that can be wrapped around both you and your babies.
So many parents of twins love this type of carrier because they are so versatile for carrying one or both of your twins. You can wear two babies on your front, one on your front and one on your back, or one on each hip once they are older and have good head and neck control.
Woven wraps don’t have straps or buckles. Instead, it all comes down to how you wrap and tie the fabric to ensure each baby is safe and comfortable.
Woven wraps may take some time to get used to, but the investment in learning time pays off in the long run as you can wear your twins well into toddler age if you purchase a good quality wrap.
There are some great tutorials on YouTube to help you get started with wrapping your twins securely and comfortably in this type of carrier.
Examples of a Woven Wrap would be a Didymos Baby Wrap Sling.
What about Ring Slings? Can you carry Twins in a sling?
Yes! Ring slings are a super practical way to wear twins and can be used from birth.
You will need to purchase two slings – one for each baby, but this will give you the flexibility of being able to carry one or both of your babies at a time.
It also means that if you want to take one baby out of the carrier, you can do it with minimal interruption to the other.
Some twin moms find ring slings easier to use, as once the sling is threaded through the ring, they can be tightened or loosened again really easily – no tying involved.
Can you use a Moby wrap for twins?
While you can use a Moby Wrap or similar stretchy wrap such as a Boba Wrap for twins, many manufacturers are not endorsing this on their websites now. However, many parents still love this option for their newborn twins.
Moby Wraps or stretchy wraps are a long piece of fabric, very similar to the wraps and slings we have discussed above, but the material has a slight stretch to it thanks to the addition of elastane or spandex. The stretch makes it lovely to wear as it contours to your babies and your own body offering heaps of comfort and support.
Stretchy wraps are a lovely way to wear your newborn twins around the home, especially during the late afternoon or early evening when babies can get overtired and need more close time with mom – yep, the witching hour!
I got through MANY an afternoon wearing one or both of my fractious babies in the Moby Wrap – especially when one of them was struggling with colic and reflux.
You will be able to purchase just one Moby Wrap as they are long enough to wrap both babies. However, you will only use it for the first few months before you will need to progress to another type of a wrap or twin baby carrier.
Is it safe to carry twins?
The most crucial factor in choosing a carrier for your twins is safety – for both you and your babies.
Baby Carriers and Hip Dysplasia
Let’s talk about the big one first – hip dysplasia.
If you have done any research on twin baby carriers yet, you will likely have come across this term before.
When choosing a carrier, it is essential that you look after your babies’ hips – especially if they have already been diagnosed with hip dysplasia or are at risk of developing the condition – for example, breech babies or premature babies.
The carrier needs to support babies backs, hips, bottom, and the length of the thigh. Their little legs should be spread around the parent’s body with their knees higher than their bottom to create an M position, as shown in the diagram below.

This M position puts the least amount of pressure on babies’ hips and mimics the natural position of the legs in the womb.
Babies supported in the M position are often much happier and will sleep for more extended periods. And who doesn’t want that!?
Secondly, I wanted to clarify some misconceptions about how long you should carry your babies in a twin carrier.
The Hip Dysplasia Institute clearly states:
“Baby carriers may be used for short-term purposes during transport or for occasional parental activities. It is the opinion of the International Hip Dysplasia Institute that periodic short-term use of a baby carrier unlikely to have any effect on hip development.
In contrast, there is evidence that carrying a baby on the mother’s body (or father’s body) is likely to influence hip development during the first six months of life when the baby is carried for many hours each day for purposes of bonding or infant care.”
When you purchase a twin carrier you should be sure to look for the Healthy Hips logo to verify that the carrier has been approved by the International Hip Dysplasia Institute.
These are the twin baby carriers that have been submitted and approved by the IHDI
- Minimonkey Twin Carrier
- Twingo Carrier (when used with the infant insert)
- Twingaroo Carrier
Carrying Twins and your body
One of the other considerations you will have when choosing a carrier for your twins will be the effect of carrying a pretty sizeable double bundle on your own body.
There are so many ways that you can carry your twins, as you will have read above.
If you have had past back issues, I would suggest purchasing a carrier style that will enable you to spread the babies’ weights more effectively as you will want to minimize the weight pull that your babies will have on your back. A hip carry or a front-back carry will help you achieve this.
You may also need to consider a c-section site that could be sore for a few weeks/months. Wearing a bucket belt over the surgery site may not be the best option for you to start with, so you might want to opt for a stretchy wrap such as a moby wrap.
There are many things to consider when researching twin baby carriers, and I hope that this guide has helped answer some of those questions for you. But, now comes the fun part, it’s time to go shopping!
You can read our next blog post on our favorite twin carriers. With so many options available, there is something perfect for everyone and every budget. A twin baby carrier will be one of the best purchases you make in this new stage of life. Good luck finding yours!